Wow a bit of a scary ride! While traveling on I-81 @ 70mph a slight vibration and then one tire going one way, the other passing us , a bam to the ground and fish tailing to a stop on the shoulder! What happened? Well our dual wheels came off!!!!! Thank the Lord in heaven that we were safe and nobody else was involved! A big thank you to the Virginia State Police ,highway dept and Brown and Son Towing! They loaded us up and took us to Hart's GMC in Salem Virginia. We are now camping out in the parking lot waiting for service tomorrow. We are so thankful that no one was hurt . We actually enjoyed having some down time. We sat in the sun and played frisbee with the dog and took a little walk. Tomorrow is another day, Amen.

Sunday, October 20, 2013
Monday, September 30, 2013
Ready or not Marburger opens tomorrow!
A bit more pricing and little rearranging and we will be ready! Hope you can make it to Marburger Farm Antique Show! Tent A booth Aa4.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Marburger soon to open!
Well we have tomorrow to pull it all together and finish up the booth. Things are going well. Today it cooled down some which made our heads clearer and we got a lot done. We also celebrated Linda Marcov's (Willow Nest) birthday (which was yesterday). The owners of "Leftovers" ( a great shop here near Brenham Texas) made her a pink cake. It was a nice diversion and the cake was good too! Here's a pic of Linda and a few of our booth.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Great to be back!
We arrived at Marburger Farm yesterday evening.We enjoyed the evening off . Bonnie and I did a little fishing and enjoyed some success. The excitement is building today the booth walls went up. Tomorrow the real work begins with the unloading and getting the booth set up. We can't wait.!!!,
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Marburger here we come!
The trailer is packed and it's time again for Marburger Farm Antique show in Round Top Texas! We left yesterday at 7:30 am , stopped at friends last night and are now spending the night in a Cracker Barrel parking lot in Texarkana. We are excited! We can't wait to see all our friends and set up the booth!!! Hope you can make it to tent A booth Aa4!!!!!!!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Country Living Ohio
The CL Fair was great. We couldn't ask for nicer weather and we had a great crowd. If you attended the Fair and went in the CL Store odds are you saw our sweet daughter Bonnie behind the register. A BIG Thank you to all!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
On to the next show!
Well Brimfield is over and it was a great fall show. We headed out Friday night and made it home at 2am. Saturday we unloaded , reloaded, did laundry and re-stocked the camper and today drove to Columbus Ohio for the Country Living Fair! It starts Friday. Bonnie and I work for Stella management setting up the Fair, while Karen works on projects in the camper. We can't wait to see all our CL Fair friends. Our booth is across from the main stage.
If you haven't been to the Fair now is the time to finally do it. If you can't make this one you still have time to plan one to Stone Mountain Georgia next month.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Fall Brimfield
What a beautiful day! I think it was the first opening day for New England Motel that it didn't rain! Well 6am came with a flurry of buyers. We were very blessed with sales. Thank You to all of our new and repeat customers!
Friday, July 12, 2013
Beautiful day in Brimfield!
Wow what a great day in Brimfield. The weather couldn't have been nicer. A nice steady crowd!
A big THANK YOU to the blog reader( you know who you are!) who came and made some great purchases!! There is still some great things left, so come out enjoy the weekend and do some shopping!
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Summer time in Brimfield!
We are back in Brimfield for the summer show! Yes it's hot humid and a few thunderstorms, but hey that's the same as last year! It's a laid back atmosphere. You can stroll through and look at items and have a little time to think. Don't take too much time though because it will likely be gone . There is still time to come and buy! Hope to see you this weekend!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Fun at the Country Living Fair
The start of the fair had rain rain rain, but that didn't stop the customers. Day two couldn't have been nicer. Bring on day three! Plenty to see, buy and eat!
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Spring Brimfield
The end of another Brimfield is near! It was awesome. The opening day crowd came and bought with a passion. We were blessed with great weather (a bit of a chilly start), but not as much rain as usual! It was great to see all our dealer friends. We sure appreciate our repeat customers and all the new ones! Thank YOU! !!!!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
We would like to wish everyone a Happy Mothers Day! We will be taking a nice drive to Brimfield Massachusetts for antique week!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Spring is here......I think!
Well it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. The flowers are poking through and the cherry blossoms are out! But then I stepped outside and realized that it was only in the 30's. So is it spring? ....Yes I think it is!!!! With the arrival of spring it means Brimfield is just around the corner. We have been buying and fixing and planning..Oh my! Mark your calender and head to New England Motel antique show on May 15-19.Hope to see you there! We will be in the same spot booths 87,88&89.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Home Safe! Thank you Lord!
We arrived home safe and sound last night. Here are some more booth pics from Marburger for you to enjoy.